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RC Twin Electric Motors Spin Opposite?

by Jeff Parliament
(Kunkletown,pa usa)

When operating an plane with 2 motors is it permissible and or recommended to run one motor in one direction and the other in the opposite direction using a regular prop and a pusher prop?

I am building a p-82.

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by: rcdude07

If you want scale, then have them spin the same way. Only two full scale planes I know of used counter rotating props, the P-38 and I forget the other one right now.

If you want to decrease engine torque to one side, have them spin opposite.

Counter Rotating Props
by: Anonymous

The other aircraft was the OV-10 BRONCO

Proper rotation for best result
by: Anonymous


multiengine prop rotation
by: Anonymous

Motor torque tends to turn the aircraft in opposite direction of prop rotation, hence the airplane tends to turn left on take off, especially when a high rate of climb is used. In a multi-engine aircraft, the plane will try to turn toward the dead engine due to asymmetrical thrust. Therefore, to offset the thrust with torque, the left (port) engine(s) should use a standard pitch prop turning CCW viewed from the front, and the right (starboard) engine(s) should use reverse pitch props turning CW. When flying a real twin engine aircraft and lose the port engine, it takes a LOT of right rudder and usually a reduction of airspeed to maintain heading.

Easy to Answer
by: Anonymous

Motors MUST turn in opposite directions.

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