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I have an airplane project in my art class and it's super important please help!

by Nicky
(Salt Lake City)

Hi I have a project to do which is due next week. Here are the materials and characteristics of the plane we HAVE to have/use

1) you cannot lock the pilot in (the pilot will be an egg which we will fly over the school and it CANNOT crack otherwise I will get an F)

2) we have to make it from scratch using 5, 3ft (length) pieces of BALSA wood and 1/8th by 1/8th for the width.

3) the building if 55ft and is 60ft away from the road

If you have any ideas of a model plane that can fly well and is light that would be fantastic!

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One week, not enough time
by: rcdude07

1 week is not going to be enough time to build a balsa plane from scratch.

You're best bet for an easy flying plane would be a high wing trainer type aircraft. Assuming r/c is the requirement you'll also need to cover the balsa airframe with a material like Monokote, Ultrakote, etc.. Then figure out the weight of the fully loaded aircraft and find a power system to give you at least 1:1 power ratio.
Put some dihedral in the wings to help with stabilization.

You mention flying over the school, does the teacher realize that flying r/c aircraft over buildings and people (assuming there will be kids on the fields for recess or P.E.) is dangerous and technically against the FAA guidelines as well as the AMA's Safety Code?

Are you sure this is to be a powered r/c plane? Sounds like to me this would be a hand toss glider project for safety. A new variation on the parachute saving an egg project.

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